JAYATI MAHAAKAALII JAYATI, AADYA KAALII MAATA JAI KARAALA VADANE JAYATI, JAGATA MAATU VIKHYAATA Victory to you, O Mahakali! Victory to you, O primordial source of all beings! Victory to you, O formidable-looking goddess, who are renowned as the mother of the world! JAI JAI RUUPA PRACHANDIKAA, MAHAAKAALIKAA DEVI JAYATI JAYATI SHIVA-CHANDRIKAA, SURA NARA MUNIJANA SEVI Victory, all victory to you, O great goddess Mahakalika, of terrible and frightening aspect! Victory to you, O Moon on the locks of Shiva who are ever adored by gods, men, hermits and devotees. JAYATI JAYATI RAKTAASANAA, RAUDRAMUKHI RUDRAANII ARI SHONITA KHAPPARA BHARANII, KHADAGA DHAARINII SHUCHI PAANI Victory, all victory to you. O consort of Rudra; you are fearsome to look at and prefer a drink of hot blood; you are described as having a sword in your hallowed hand and as one who fills her cranial bowl with the blood of her victims. JAI JAI JAI MAIYAA SHRII KAALII JAYATI KHADAGA KARA KHAPPARA VAALII JAYATI MAHAAMAAYAA VIKARAALAA RUDRA-SHAKTI KAALAHUN KO KAALAA Glory, glory to you, O Kali, the bearer of a cranial bowl and a sword in your hands. Victory to you, O terrible Delusion, the might of Rudra and the very death of Death. MAAN MADHU KAITABHA KE VADHA HETU PRAGATI SHRII HARI KE TANA SE TUU SHYAAMALA GAATA MAATA TAVA SOHATA RAVI SAMA CAVI LAKHI CHAVIPATI MOHATA O Mother, it is for the slaughter of the demons Madhu and Kaitabha that you appeared from the body of Hari. O Mother, your dark form radiant as the sun looks so splendidly winsome that the god of beauty himself cannot but succumb to its charm. DASHA MUKHA TIISA NETRA MANA BHAAVANA BHAALA BAALA SHASHI MUKUTA SUHAAVANA KO CHAVI VARANI SAKAI MAAN TERII SHYAAMA KESHA JANU GHATAA SUGHERII You are ten-faced with thirty attractive eyes, the crescent moon and a lovely coronet on your head. O Divine mother; who can describe your comeliness and your dark hair like massed clouds?
URA ARI MUNDAMAALA CHAVI CHAAJATA ASTRA SHASTRA DASHA HASTA VIRAAJATA KHAPPARA KHADAGA TRISHUULA KUTHAARII GADAA CHAKRA DHANU SHANKHA SUDHAARII The beauty of the wreath made of your victims’ skulls looks splendid as do the weapons and missiles in all your ten hands. You carry a cranial bowl, a sword, a three-pronged trident, an axe, a club, a disc, a bow and a conch, all in their proper places. ARI KARA KATANA GHAANGARAA RAAJAI ANGA-ANGA SHUCHI BHUUSANA SAAJAI RANJITA RAKTA DASA CHARANA KARAALAA JIHI VISHAALA RUUPA VIKARAALAA The beautiful skirt made of he severed arms of your enemies looks so becoming like the sacred ornaments adorning every part of your body. Your ten dread feet are all smeared with blood and your long tongue sticks out, rendering your appearance frightening.
JABAHIN ATTAHAASA MAA KARATII KAAMPATA THARA-THARA THARA-THARA DHARATII AADI SHAKTI DHANI JAGA DHAATRII MAHAA PRALAYA KII ADHISHTHAATRII When, O Mother, you laugh aloud, the earth shivers (like one suffering from shaking chills). Blessed are you, O Primordial Energy and foster-mother of the world, you are the presiding deity of Doom (who causes universal destruction). MAAN TAVA PRAGATA SHRII SHANKARA RASANAA BAAHARA VADANA BHAYANKARA DHANI DHANI KALAKATTE KII KAALII SAHASABHUJI SHRII SHIVAPURA VAALII O Mother Kali! It is your divine feet that made Shiva’s appearance possible in the world; you have long protruding tongue and a frightening look. Blessed, all blessed are you O Mother Kali of Calcutta, who are thousand-armed and who have your abode in Shivapura.
TUUHII KAALII SIYA DASHAMUKHA NAASHYO SHRII RAGHUPATI PADA VIJAYA VILAASO JAGA SUKHA SHAANTI HETU KALYAANA KARIIN RUUPA DHAARANA VIDHI NAANAA O Kali, as Sita you were instrumental in bringing about Ravana’s destruction and Raghupati’s victory which, appearing became amorous of the Lord’s feet. You assumed manifold forms for the well being peace and happiness of the world. TUU HII SHRII KRISHNA RUUPA KII KAALII CHANDRAHAASA MURALII KARA VAALII CHATURBHUJII TAU ASTABHUJII DHAARII KAHUN DASHABHUJA ASHTAADASHAKARII You manifested yourself in the form of Krishna and let your sword be mysteriously transformed into a flute in his hand. Sometimes you take on the form of Vishnu with his four arms, at other times of one (Durga, for example) having eight arms, at still other one having ten or eighteen arms. KAHUN BATIISA CHAUSATHA BHUJA DHAARATA KAHUN SAHASRA BHUJA KARI ARI MAARATA TUU HARI SHAKTI ARDHA VAALII TIIKSHANADANTA RASANAA RISI VAALII You sometimes appear with thirty-two arms, at other times with just the double this number, and at still others you multiply your arms into a thousand in order to slay your enemies. You are the very power of Hari invoked with prayer at midnight; you have long sharp fangs and a protruding tongue showing your blood-thirsty and fearsome nature. RAKTACHANDIKAA KHADAGA DHAARINII RUDRA CHANDRIKAA KHALA SANHAARINII SHRII SATASHRINGII AADYA KAALII KAALII KHOHA NIVAASINI VAALII You are furious combatant with a sword in your hand (you are usually shown on the battlefield or in a cremation ground where you sit on a corpse surrounded by jackals and goblins); you are at once soothing like the moon and fearsome like Rudra and the slayer of the wicked. You are a sublime as a hundred-peaked mountain and a primordial deity of black or dark complexion. You dwell amongst dark, untrodden caverns. AADI MAATU TUUHII NARA SHIRAMAALII TUMHIIN KANSA HANANII VAITAALII TUMHIIN BHADRAKAALII KAILAASHII SADAA KHALANA KE RAKTA MKII PYAASII You are the original mother (of all beings) and at the dame time a dread deity with human heads for your garland; you are the very slayer of Kansa and subduer of ghosts and goblins; you are yourself Bhadrakali, a dweller on Kailasha and one who thirsts for the blood of the wicked.
KHACHA-KHACHA-KHACHA SHIRA KATI SHATRU KARA BHARA-BHARA-BHARA SHONITA KHAPPARA BHARA DALA-DALA-DALA DAANAVA BHAKSHANA KARA CHALA-CHALA CHALA-CHALA RAKTA KHALANA KARA Again and again you strike off the heads of your enemies (with your lashing sword) and fill your cranial bowl with blood (oozing from corpses). You gorge yourself on the demon host one after another and rushing on and on shed their wicked blood. GANI-GANI-GANI ARI KARAHU NIPAATAA DHANI-DHANI-DHANI SHRII KAALII MAATAA YAHI ARADAASA DAASA KAHAN MAAII PUURAHU AASA TU HOU SAHAAII Blessed, blessed, blessed are you, O Mother Kali, who cause your enemies to lick the dust one after another. I entreat you, O mother, to fulfil your votary’s expectations and grant him your favour. PARYO GAADHA SANKATA ABA BHAARII KEHI KAA MAIYAA AAJA PUKAARII CHARI CHORA LAAGYO MAGA MOHII KARANA CHAHATA RAGHUPATI KO DROHII I am in a perilous predicament O Mother, and know not whom to call for help. I am being pursued on the rough roads of life by four robbers who are bent upon turning me against the Lord of the house of Raghu Rama. HAI YEHII SHATRUNA KAA BHUUPAA KAAMA KRODHA MOHA LOBHA SARUUPAA INHIIN DEHUN YADI ANTA PACHAARII TABAHIN MILAHIN BHAGAVANTA MURARII These are my prime enemies, the sovereign lords of all the deadly evils; lust, anger, infatuation and avarice. If you overthrow them (and abandon me not to my troubles), I would be blessed with devotion to the enemy of Mura, namely, Lord Krishna.
DUUJO EKA ARJA YAHA MAATAA TODAHU SAPADI KHALANA KE TAANTAA JETE DUSHTA MAHAA APARAADHII BADAKARMII PAAMARA BAKA VYAADHII I also urge you, Mother, to put an end to the unending string of the wicked (bent on vexing me) immediately. All those wicked souls, who are confirmed sinners, evil-doers, mean and suffer from idle volubility and vain chattering: JO NITA BINU APARAADHA SATAAVATA DHARMA KARMA SHUBHA HO NA PAAVATA TINHIN MAATU TUU CHAKI JAA HAALII BACHANA PUTRA KII HOYA NA KHAALII Those who cause vexation without being provoked and who render all religious observances and propitious activities fruitless, you pick up, O Mother and slaughter them without delay; let not this prayer of your son go in vain. PUNI BANI AINDRII AAVAHU MAATAA ADBHUTA SHAKTI DIKHAAVAHU MAATAA JHATAPATA LEHU KHALAHIN SANHAARI MORI MAATU JANI KARAHU ABAARII I entreat you, O Mother, to reveal yourself as the power of Indra (or as Indrani or as Durga) and display your wondrous might. Slay the villains promptly without further delay. BHARAHU SHANTI SUKHA DHANA JANA DHAAMAA ATI ANANDA HOII YAHA GRAAMAA PUNI PUNI VINAVAHI SUNDARADAASAA MAIYAA PUURA KARAHU ABHILAASHAA Fill the homes of your devotees with peace, happiness and prosperity so that this countryside becomes a seat of growing exultation and felicity. Sundardasa bows to you again and again, O Mother, and supplicates you to fulfill his expectations. DOHAA MAHAAKAALIIKAA CHARITA YAHA, IKA PRAKAARA KAA MANTRA SARVA KAAMANAA PRATI, MANAHU YANRA ARU TANRA KAALII CHAALIISAA PADHAI, LAALII CHAHAI JU KOII KAALII ARI KAA NAASHA HO, KHAALII VACHANA NA HOII KAALII HARI KAA TEJA HAIN, ARI KO NAASHANA HAARA HARI KI PUURANA SHAKTI HAIN KARATA HETU SANHAARA This hymn to the acts of the formidable Kali is like a sacred formula capable of fulfilling every wish as if it were a magic talisman and a charm. He who wishes to attain brilliance should read this hymn to Kali; for it will ensure the destruction of all those who are hostile to Kali-promise which would never go in vain. Kali incarnates the very vital force and power of Hari with which she destroys her enemies for the well being of the world. Buzz Boost Email Subscribe
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Bidis (pronounced bee-dees) are thin unfiltered cigarettes hand-wrapped in brown leaves and tied with short pieces of thread. School kids under 18 buy them because they are cheaper than the cost of regular cigarettes and come in a variety of flavors including root beer, orange, lemon-lime and strawberry. Teens might ask, "If they come in all these cool flavors then how could they be harmful?" Well, Bidis have two to three times more nicotine than regular cigarettes! And 44 percent of teens that smoke Bidis smoke them because they think it isn't addictive or dangerous to their health. Because Bidis deliver greater doses of nicotine to the bloodstream, they are far more addictive than cigarettes. Also, Bidis, like cigarettes cause health issues such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other serious health problems.
1. Drugs mess with your mind Drug use can cause you to lose your ability to remember things, to think clearly and to study properly. Drug use gives you the impression that you are more alert and aware, but under the influence of drugs you are actually less aware, and less alert. Drug use can also cause people to act in strange unpredictable ways. A person can undergo a complete personality change when under the influence of drugs. Since drug residues can remain in the body for many years after they were taken, the effect on the mind can last a long time. Don't lose your mind! Avoid drugs. 2. Drugs mess with your body Drug use can make you ill and an overdose can kill. Drugs are poisons after all. The list of diseases you can catch as a result of using drugs is very long and includes Hepatitis C, HIV and AIDS. Since drugs also use up your body's supply of vitamins and minerals, you become more prone to diseases. Many drug users suffer from malnutrition as a result of their habit. Why be a loser? Stay healthy! 3. Drugs mess with your wallet Drug use interferes with your ability, which can make it harder to earn money. In the long run, the more competent a person is in a job, the more likely that such a person will earn a higher salary. However a person under the influence of drugs is quite likely to make expensive mistakes and be incompetent. That is unemployment waiting to happen. Also, a drug habit can be REALLY expensive (up to hundreds of pounds per day!) and this is why many addicts are forced into crime. Don't waste your money. Drugs are the ultimate betrayer - you pay big money to destroy yourself. 4. Drugs mess with your travel plans Anyone convicted of drugs offences will not be allowed entrance into some countries such as Japan, Canada and USA. Why lose exciting opportunities to travel? Why limit your options as to where you want to work & live? Many people like to work abroad, particularly in the USA, for a time during their career. This would be impossible with a criminal record. 5. Drugs mess with your life Drug use that seems a "cool" idea in the beginning can turn into a living nightmare that includes accidents, hospitalisation, a life of crime, a criminal record, hurting those you love, destroyed relationships, a prison sentence and death. Drug users often lose their enthusiasm for life, give up sports and hobbies etc, in their fixation on the next score for their habit. Taking drugs definitely gives you a new lifestyle, but it is the lifestyle of a sad loser with no prospects. 6. Drugs mess with the planet Many drugs are grown in Third World countries. The drug barons involved cut down forests for space to grow the drugs, thus destroying the natural habitat for thousands of creatures and upsetting the ecological balance. It is true that natural forests are cut down for constructive reasons by legitimate companies, but there are laws in place which compel those companies to plant new forest as replacements. Drug criminals, needless to say, ignore these and all other laws. Buying and taking drugs encourages more natural forest to be destroyed. 7. Drugs mess with society Criminals manufacture and sell drugs. They do not care what effects the drugs have on their victims; they are only interested in the money. These criminals terrorise ordinary people and society, using violence against anyone who tries to stop them. These criminals establish a social environment where there is no respect for law & order, only respect for violence. This generates fear, suspicion and misery in our communities. This destabilises society and could lead to its disintegration. Buying and taking drugs supports this criminal infrastructure. 8. Drugs mess with your love life and fertility. There is evidence that abuse of drugs can lead to impotence in males. Certainly, abuse of drugs in females can affect unborn children, with the babies of drug addicts far more likely to be underweight and to suffer from birth complications. The damage that drug use can do to one's physical appearance is very obvious. 9. Drugs mess with your hopes and dreams. Drug addicts, when craving their next fix, often do not care about anything other than the immediate high demanded. All other considerations, every aspect of normal human behaviour are ignored in this compulsion. Everyone has hopes and dreams for the future, but for addicts those hopes and dreams only focus down to where the next score is coming from. Hopes and dreams for the future? Only despair and nightmare for addicts.
It can be difficult to say no to alcohol for anyone, but it is especially difficult for those who are quitting or cutting down on alcohol. You can avoid places where drinks are served, but eventually, you will be offered a drink by someone you don't want to explain your alcohol problem to. The best ways to say no are casual, polite responses to an offer, which provide an excuse that can't be argued with. Here are my five top phrases for refusing alcohol. 1. I'm Driving This is the ultimate excuse. Some people who are quitting alcohol volunteer to be the designated driver for precisely this reason -- they want to spend time with friends, but don't want to drink. This response is also great role modelling for others, and adds to the climate of acceptability of staying sober behind the wheel. Anyone who pressurizes you to drink after you giving this response isn't worth listening to. 2. No Thanks, I've Just Finished One What I like about this response is that is so lacking in value judgements about drinking that no-one can accuse you of being uptight or preachy. How you feel after a drink is an individual matter, and if you don't want another drink instantly, all it implies is good personal boundaries around your own comfort. It also shows you are not a compulsive drinker, and sets the tone for others to pace their drinking too. Yet the implication is that you might have had a drink if you felt like one, so this works well for the type of people who tease and berate those in recovery -- the kind of companions you may not want as friends, but are sometimes unavoidable in a social situation. 3. I've Had My Limit For Tonight This is the best response if you regularly drink with the same people, want to control your drinking, and have set a limit based on your blood alcohol concentration. Others will learn over time that you will drink only a certain number of drinks within a certain amount of time, so they can enjoy sharing a drink with you within those limits. Controlled drinking is a goal for many people with alcohol problems. 4. I Want to Keep a Clear Head Variations on this response are, "No thanks, I've got work tomorrow," "No thanks, I've got an early start in the morning," or "No thanks, I don't want a hangover." This is a great way of letting people know that alcohol does not rule your life, nor will you let it interfere with your day to day functioning. Keeping a clear head may not be important to all drinkers, but it should be to you. 5. I Don't Drink This response take the most courage, and is the most subject to demands for an explanation. You may have to put up with being asked if you have a drink problem, you may have your masculinity or sense of fun challenged, or you may be informed that, "You can have one drink." But it is the all-round best response for anyone who is serious about recovery from alcoholism, or who wants to put an end to the nonsense of peer pressure to drink alcohol. he all-round best response for anyone who is serious about recovery from alcoholism, or who wants to put an end to the nonsense of peer pressure to drink alcohol. yandex.ru | www.buzzintown.com | www.bagoesteak.com
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